Missing Classmates

Here is the list of the DEVILS.... not yet registered on our site. If you know how to reach anyone on this list, please help us out and send them an invite to join the site... perhaps they'll decide to come to the reunion!


Stephen Airey
Michael Aldrich
Andrea Allen
Carol Anderson
Pam Archibald
James Armstrong
David Balderson
Peter Balkwill
Sue Bennett
Joanne Bero
Renee Bielski
Sue Bronson
Jane Buck
Pam Bustard
Pam Campbell
Susan Carnahan
Mike Caven
Arlene Chisolm
Kim Christensen
Liz Clark
Rick Clendining
Martha Coffin
Sue Dancy
Al Daymond
Karen Denefeld
Bob Doyle
Dave Eadie
Jane Filipowski
Will Firstbrook
May Ling Fong
Briar Ford
Carol Frederick
Bill Gore
Marg Gorhman
Mary Grimm
Rene Guit
Mike Hanley
Judy Harrison
Cheryl Hayter
Mike Heenan
Joanne Hester
Susan Hider
Walter Hoffman
Donna Horgan
Dorothy Howcroft
Ann Hughes
Kim Husebye
Mike James
Phillip Jeffrey
Norman Jennings
Mary-Ann Johnstone
Leslie Jones
Frank Juzenas
Chris Laidlaw
Paulyne Latter
Debbie Luff
Tom Lux
Carol Lyman
Scott MacDonald
Sharon MacKay
John MacNair
Chris Marlatt
Elizabeth Masse
Mike McCaffrey
Kevin McKenna
Sandy McLoughlin
Albert Meyer
Kennedy Mitchell
Jim Monteith
Bill Morgan
Steve Moyse
Megan ODonnell
David OReilly
Pat Pace
Debra Patchett
Leslie Pennington (Ponting)
Tara Riley
Mary Lou Rodgers (Downer)
Angela Ross
Gerry Ruth
Susan Savage
Sonja Stefaniw (Palmer)
Robin Sutton
Janice Tonelli
Rick Way
Rick Webb
Anita Weycamp

Guest Members

Mr. T Allen (Teacher)
Diana Bronson
Mrs. P Calvert (Teacher)
Ms. M Caton (Teacher)
Morris Cavalieri
Mr. G Dunn (Teacher)
Michelle Durrant
Ms. K George (Teacher)
Mr. R Gilbert (Teacher)
Ian Gunn (Class Or '79)
Pam McDonald
Leslie Peck
Mr G M Pennock (Teacher)
Jenny Pitt
Paula Rochon
Mr. T Ruf (Current Principal)
Mrs C Saunders Whitworth (Teacher)
Mr. R Scott (Teacher)
Mrs. E Scott (Teacher)
Mr. D Waechter (Teacher)
Don Williamson